
How to prepare homemade hair rinse?

Her­bal hair rin­se is a natu­ral patent for using herbs as cosme­tics. I’m sure that if you ask your grand­mas abo­ut the­ir hair care routi­ne, they will tell you how gre­at idea this is!

For exam­ple, herbs can sup­port your hair growth, add shi­ne and moistu­re. They can also soothe scalp irri­ta­tion and pre­vent dan­druff occur­ren­ce. It is a natu­ral cosme­tic which is very easy to pre­pa­re and for­tu­na­te­ly we don’t have to look any fur­ther than in our own kitchens!

Regar­dless of your hair type, you’ll find herbs to suit your needs:

Basil will add moistu­re, shi­ne and sup­port your hair growth. Melis­sa is per­fect for gre­asy hair, helps to get rid of dan­druff and adds shi­ne. Ore­ga­no makes hair smo­oth and easier to comb and pre­vents scalp inflam­ma­tion. Par­sley moistu­ri­zes, adds shi­ne, sup­ports hair growth and remo­ves dan­druff. Mint is per­fect for hair growth and figh­ting gre­asy scalp. Rose­ma­ry (and I have to tell you that I think it’s a hit!) streng­thens the hair, nur­tu­res and smo­othens it as well as adds shi­ne. Sage will be per­fect for a dry scalp, add a shi­ne and dar­ken it. Thy­me is ano­ther herb that works aga­inst dan­druff and scalp greasing.

Did you find your per­fect herb? It is time to start action and rub it in your hair. That is as sim­ple as bre­wing tea.

Pour selec­ted herb in boiling water and leave it cove­red for 10 to 15 minu­tes. Once our herb is bre­wed, we remo­ve the lid and wait for the liqu­id to beco­me luke­warm. Dra­in cooled down brew with a sie­ve, gau­ze or use coffee/tea filters.

Hair rin­se sho­uld be used after washing your hair or after the con­di­tio­ner. Sli­gh­tly dry your hair and pour the rin­se. It’s worth making sure that hair is cove­red from the roots to the hair ends. Use this natu­ral cosme­tic on a regu­lar basis and see how the power of fresh herbs will work on your hair.