
Rosemary body scrub

Using herbs in cosme­to­lo­gy, apart from the obvio­us fact of using them in the kit­chen, is my favo­uri­te acti­vi­ty. You can cre­ate this reci­pe by your­self, using very basic home pro­ducts — sea salt, coco­nut oil and some fresh her­bal twigs. It’s a salt scrub for DIY enthu­sia­sts! It is an excel­lent pro­duct figh­ting dry skin, it is very easy to do and has healing properties.

What will you need?

Basis for this scrub is the coco­nut oil. I know – coco­nut oil is still on top, but it is tru­ly an extra­or­di­na­ry pro­duct. It also pro­vi­des a light cre­amy textu­re, which makes the appli­ca­tion easier.

Natu­ral sea salt or sugar. The thic­ker the cry­stals, the gre­ater the abra­sion of the dead epi­der­mis. Howe­ver, there’s no need to cross the line! Adjust eve­ry­thing to your skin requ­ire­ments to pre­vent irri­ta­tion. Start with finer cry­stals and incre­ase the­ir thick­ness if necessary.

I deci­ded to add some fresh rose­ma­ry and rose­ma­ry oil, sin­ce it is a natu­ral pain­kil­ler. Even­tu­al­ly, I added lemon for a citrus aro­ma, but also becau­se the lemon has anti­bac­te­rial, toning and refre­shing effects.
We mix the enti­re thing in a lit­tle bowl and we put it in a jar. Scrub is ready. Natu­ral, heal­thy and defi­ni­te­ly che­aper than offe­red in shops.